The Cash Out Now feature is available for more tenured professionals who have already received at least $50/£50 or more in funds in a regular batch payment.
When you choose the option to Cash Out Now, your payment will begin processing to your bank immediately! This feature will allow you to obtain your payments more frequently than the standard payment schedule, for a small fee.
In order to use this feature, select the tab marked More, and then select Payments. Underneath the specific payment you want to push through, you’ll see a button marked Cash Out Now.
Clicking this button will start the process of sending all of your pending payments for that week to your account. Keep in mind that a MySquard Services payment week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Once Monday begins you will no longer be able to cash out payments from the previous week. It will still take between 1 to 3 business days for your deposit to show up in your bank account. Unfortunately, we are unable to speed up this timeline. Please be patient, and if you have any questions, please contact your bank.
Generally, every time that you use Cash Out Now we subtract a small processing fee from your payment.
If you still have questions about your deposit, please contact us. You can chat with us via the blue chat icon, or email us any time using the form below.
Note : Cash Out Now feature is only available to professionals who have already received $50/£50 or more in funds in a regular batch payment. Cash Out Now will not be available within 24 hours of making a change to your Direct Deposit information.
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