he following does not apply to Service Companies. Please reference the Service Company help center here.
There may be instances where you see an “Overpaid” adjustment in your Payments history.
“Overpaid” is not a fee. It is a reversal of the pay for the job that was not done.
Overpayment happens when you have been issued payment for a job that was never actually completed – for example, it may occur due to a report of a pro no show. It is not due to a quality of service complaint.
While you won’t be paid in full for a job that wasn’t completed, MySquard will still compensate you for certain incomplete jobs. If the job was incomplete for a reason that was not your fault, such as the customer not being available, you will be compensated up to 2 hours (or 3 in California) for your time.
To ensure proper payment, reach out as soon as you are aware of any issues that may prevent you from completing the job as planned.
See these articles for more information on :
If you believe that you have received an incorrect adjustment, you can contact the MySquard Services team. Chat with us via the blue chat icon, or email us any time at partner@mysquard.com
Note : Overpayments may also be issued for service company pros working Lowe’s related jobs. In that case this article’s contents may not apply.