Wayfair and Walmart Bookings FAQ

Customers can now book furniture assembly and a variety of other services alongside their purchases on Wayfair.com or Walmart.com. In order to provide some more assistance around these bookings, specifically, we’ve added a quick list of Frequently Asked Questions here for you!

Should I contact my customer before the booking?

Sure! You’ll have their contact information, in the MySquard Services for Pros App, within 24 hours of the bookings start time (or earlier in some regions). It’s always best to call in advance, introduce yourself, and get some extra details about the project. Customers are excited to meet you! So, say hello!

Can I get more details on what needs to be done at the booking?

Yes! If you login to the MySquard Services for Pros App and open the booking details, you’ll see a message with details for the job! For example, on furniture assembly bookings we’ll let you know what items the customer has ordered so you can download the instructions from the company website if you like. For cleaning, we’ll let you know the approximate size of the home.

What do I do if an item I’m supposed to build looks damaged or is missing parts?

We recommend that you tell the customer ASAP! The company should provide replacement items or pieces before you assemble. If you attempt another solution, the customer might be displeased with the fix or the item might be further damaged in the process.

It’s best to tell the customer that all the proper pieces weren’t supplied or call out that the item appears damaged before you’ve begun assembly. Then, direct the customer to contact us through the help center. Customer support will be happy to provide another assembly booking once Wayfair or Walmart has provided the missing pieces or a replacement item. We want to make sure that damage or a lost piece is not attributed to your service! 

What if this is a two Pro job and my partner hasn’t arrived?

We know that sometimes this can happen. We recommend that you try to complete the work to the best of your ability, then contact Professional Support. You can chat with us via the blue chat icon, or email us any time using the form below. We’ll make sure you’re compensated for having arrived and doing the job.

If you can’t finish or building the item alone feels unsafe, let us know! We’ll make sure we take care of the customer and you! 

What do I tell a customer if my partner hasn’t arrived?

It’s best to assure them you’re there to help! We recommend that you try to complete the assembly to the best of your ability, then contact professional support. You’ll be compensated for your time.

If you can finish the job, awesome! The customer won’t need to contact us at all.

If you can’t finish or building the item alone feels unsafe, let the customer know they can contact us through the help center and we’ll take care of them! 

Need additional assistance? Contact us using the blue chat icon in the bottom right, or email us at partner@mysquard.com