If you arrive to a booking on time, but are unable to enter the home by following your customer’s instructions and are unable to contact them, please wait 30 minutes after the booking start time before leaving and checking out. Try contacting your customer a few more times. Remember not all of your customers have cell phones listed on their accounts. It’s safest to text, call, and try the doorbell when reaching out.
If your customer was unavailable at the agreed time and you were unable to enter their home to do the work, MySquard Services will nonetheless compensate you for up to 2 hours of pay (up to 3 hours in California). We do ask that you wait 30 minutes after the booking start time, in case they’re just running late. After waiting, all you need to do is open up the job details page, tap on the Job Support menu, and select My customer isn’t home. Follow the instructions there and you’ll be all set!
Did your customer cancel? Please see this article.
Need additional assistance? Contact us using the blue chat icon in the bottom right, or email us at partner@mysquard.com