Photo Upload Guidelines

To ensure the best experience for everyone, please follow these guidelines when uploading photos:

File Format: Only JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats are allowed.
File Size: Each photo should not exceed 10MB.
Dimensions: Recommended minimum resolution is 800×600 pixels. Higher resolutions are encouraged for better quality.
Content: Photos should be appropriate and relevant. Avoid uploading photos with explicit content, violence, or sensitive information.
Quality: Ensure your photos are clear and well-lit. Avoid blurry or pixelated images.
Ownership: Only upload photos that you own or have permission to use. Respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights.
Number of Photos: You can upload up to 10 photos at a time.
Editing: Minor edits like cropping and color correction are acceptable. Avoid excessive alterations that distort the photo’s original context.
Naming: Use descriptive filenames for your photos. Avoid using special characters and spaces in filenames.

By following these guidelines, you help maintain a high-quality and respectful community.
Thank you for your cooperation!