Here is a breakdown of payment based on when the booking was cancelled by the customer :
Upon cancellation, time before booking: | Payment: |
More than 12 hours | $0 |
12 hours – 30 minutes | $15 |
30 minutes or less | Full payment, up to 2 hours (up to 3 hours in California) |
After arrival | Full payment, up to 2 hours (up to 3 hours in California) |
Are you having trouble getting into your customer’s home? If you haven’t checked their entry info in the Job Details page, you can look there. If that method does not work, we recommend contacting the customer (also available from the job details page).
If you don’t hear from them immediately please wait 30 minutes, after the booking start time, before leaving and checking out. Try contacting your customer a few more times. Remember not all of your customers have cell phones listed on their accounts. It’s safest to text, call, and try the doorbell when reaching out.
If you haven’t heard from your customer at the end of 30 minutes, feel free to go – you’ll earn the full payment for the booking, up to 2 hours (up to 3 hours in California).
Remember to alert MySquard Services when you have issues completing a job as scheduled. You can chat with us via the blue chat icon, or email us any time at