Will I be reimbursed for handyman materials?

Please note :  For bookings with a partner (like Walmart, Wayfair, Lowe’s, etc.), the customer must provide any additional materials required for the job, as there is no way to add additional items to the customer’s account. If you feel more materials may be required for the job, it’s best to reach out to the customer before the booking to ensure they will have the required materials in order to complete the job.

When a customer makes a booking for a handyman service, we give them the option to provide their own materials or ask the professional to purchase them on their behalf (EXCLUDING Partner bookings as noted above – customers are expected to provide materials in this case). Please ensure you communicate with your customer over the app ahead of time (please see How do I contact my customer?) to determine if you need to purchase any materials. 

If you purchase materials for the booking, the customer may reimburse you directly – or may prefer that you follow the below instructions :

  1. When purchasing materials, text your customer the total cost. The customer MUST confirm they are good with the cost over text / using the in-app chat before you purchase the materials.
  2. Please submit your itemized receipt of purchase to our Customer Experience Team so they can update the customer’s payment for the job to include the cost of the materials, and MySquard Services will send that payment on to you.

Note that not all stores will offer an itemized receipt, so be certain to ask for one.

That said, you’re expected to provide the basics that might be needed on any job. Come prepared with tools, nails, and small items of that sort.

Still have questions? Contact us using the blue chat icon in the bottom right, or email us at partner@mysquard.com