If you ran into an error while trying to submit your background check, we might already have your information on file. Have you tried to apply for the MySquard Services platform before, and previously submitted a background check? In that case, we have an existing background check on file for your social security number, and we’ll send you an email to resume that existing application. Sorry for the confusion!
A note on privacy: MySquard Services uses a third-party provider to process background checks. The company we use is the same company that processes these checks for major companies like Uber and Lyft. Sometimes, the third-party provider will have technical issues, and you might run into an error. If that happens, just sit tight and try again in a little bit; these issues are usually worked out quickly!
If you’re still having issues, feel free to contact the MySquard Services team. You can chat with us via the blue chat icon, or email us any time at partner@mysquard.com