The check-in and check-out buttons are used so that we’re able to verify your jobs, and help ensure your payments are accurate. If you’re having trouble getting the feature to work, make sure the location services on your phone are turned on. The feature will only work if the MySquard Services for Pros app can tell that you’re close to the customer’s address.
When you’re first heading to a booking, you have the option to open up the job details and tap the On My Way button. This button will first be available one hour prior to the scheduled start time and will let the customer know that they can expect you soon. Using this feature can not only be good customer service, but can also help avoid disputes by reminding the customer to be at home or letting the customer know you are running late.
Once you get to the booking, you have the option to select Check In to let your customer know you’re ready to start. You will need to enable location services on your device for the Check-in/Check-out feature to be available. The Check-in feature can also be helpful in avoiding disputes by providing a confirmation that you were at the job site, in case the customer complains, for example, that you never showed up.
You’ll be able to check out one the job is complete. For cleaning bookings, check off those areas of the home you were able to complete and then select complete checkout to finalize the process. This will let the customer know the job is done.
The Check-in/Check-out features are not mandatory. So, if there’s an error in the process, or you forgot to check-in or check-out, there’s no need to stress. Absent some other issue, you’ll still be paid for the job.
There’s no need to message MySquard Services to let us know you had difficulty with check in and check out issues.