For an additional charge, you can add a variety of extra services to your booking request to get that deep clean we all need sometimes. From the interior of the refrigerator to wiping down the windows, you can add any of these bonus services, which automatically update the estimated booking duration, when you make a booking.
- Pet Hair Cleanup | Adds 30 minutes.
- Interior Windows | Adds 30 minutes.
- Interior Walls | Adds 30 minutes.
- Inside Closet | Adds 30 minutes.
- Inside Cabinets | Adds 30 minutes.
- Inside Refrigerator | Adds 30 minutes.
- Inside Oven | Adds 30 minutes.
- Laundry Wash & Dry | Adds 1 hour
Note : Professionals can only perform laundry service if there’s a washer & dryer in your home.