Pros have 3 availability options to choose from when deciding how they want to receive jobs on a date in their schedule. The 3 options are: Instant Book, Request Only, or I’m Not Available. These availability options can repeat weekly or be only applied to one day:
Daily Availability :
To set availability that is only applied to a single date, click on the Instant Book bar on the date you are trying to edit in the Schedule tab. To set hours and filters for future dates, scroll through the calendar in your Schedule tab to set availability for that day.
Weekly Availability :
To set availability that repeats every week, click on the gear icon on the upper right hand corner of the Schedule Page. Click into the day you’d like to set repeating hours and filters for.
Instant Book
Selecting Instant Book means that customers can book directly into your schedule for the hours that you set, without having to wait for you to claim the job. Jobs can be added to your schedule up to 48 hours before the job start time. This means that you won’t miss out on any new jobs that appear in the claims tab, and your customers will be thrilled since they can book directly with you.
After tapping “Instant Book”, you can modify both your available hours for that day as well as what rate, distance, and services you want to claim through Instant Book. When you are done, tap Save. If you need to change your time ranges or filters, you can select Edit Hours or Edit Settings under the Instant Book availability setting. You will still be able to receive requests for any hours that you do not mark yourself as Available.
Remember to keep track of your Instant Book hours and keep them up to date.
REMEMBER : The filters you set in the Instant Book menu only apply to jobs claimed through Instant Book. They will not change the settings you have on your Claim tab.
Request Only
By setting Request Only, you will only receive jobs when a customer sends you a job request or when you manually claim a job in the Claims tab.
Not Available
If you decide that you don’t want to work on a certain day, you can set yourself as Not Available. Be careful – choosing this option means that you will never receive job requests or Instant Book jobs from clients on that date. You will still be able to manually claim jobs for that date.
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